Friday, January 26, 2007

Assignment 1: Thumbnails and Roughs

The subjects that I have chosen for Assignment 1 are 'Flying' and 'Diving'. Based on these two subjects, I formed my surname 'NG'. The first thing I did was using associative link, to brainstorm for objects that are linked to these two subjects.

Thumbnail: Flying & Diving

Coming up with 4 different thumbnails for the 2 subjects, a total of 8 thumbnails were not easy. It was even more challenging to find objects that can form the curve of the character 'G'. Having come up with the thumbnails; next was to develop the thumbnails into a bigger rough before the final prototype. Thought it would be easier having developed ideas into thumbnails. However, I realized that it was just as tough. As the roughs were bigger in size, it was more difficult to draw it out nicely compared to when drawing thumbnails.

Rough: Flying

After presenting to the class my thumbnails and roughs, the feedbacks that I received were that the use the second N of the rough was more interesting and less rigid. The use of the control tower is a good idea, but need not have to be so confined to forming the shape of the character and may choose to have the radar ball extend out of the shape of the character.

Rough: Diving

Having the shark in my design for diving bring away the boredom, as it was of indirect association to diving, giving a variation to my design. Design is about exploration, being willing and daring to try.