Thursday, April 12, 2007

Assignment 7: Final Presentation

Printing for final presentation. Due to budget, we will not be doing hardcover copy; we will just be using thicker paper for our cover page. As the pages were not a lot, we also decided that binding were not necessary, therefore we will be stapling our book instead. Stapling also allow the opening of the book wide flat, which actually facilitated our reader in doing our activities. Re-ordering of the pages was needed to be made to allow the duplex printing of pages, to be stapled in the middle.

Presentation of our “The adventures of BoyBot and Asterix” went well. Although we did not manage to get the best book, we managed to grab attention of Mr. Reddy’s son. It proved that we were successful in attracting our reader. It was rewarding since the interest that we managed to capture. Not the best, but still all effort paid off and it is still a job well done, am proud of my production.

Friday, April 06, 2007

Assignment 7: Feedback

After gathering feedback from last critique session, changes were made to our storyboarding and introduced more variety of exercises. Based on the new storyboard, we started to develop individual pages. We have to decide on the text font, the page layout and spacing and the color scheme. There were a lot of decision to make and every decision we made would have to be consider on the whole. As any changes to a single page would have effects on other pages as well.

We tried to have colored pages. We experimented using pale yellow as our page background in hope to add more dimension to our page and were surprised to find the disgusted response from the class. Guess it was too much noise to have colored page so we will be sticking to white pages.

The class also felt that our text were not cohesive enough and is overshadowed by our illustration. This is probably because of the heavy colors used in our illustration, pointed out by Mr Reddy. With the given advice we reduced the spacing between sentences to tighten and compact our text in order to give more weight. Softer colors were also reapplied to the background to reduce the impact of our illustration.

Having developed our pages individually, when coming to combine facing pages together, we found out that certain pages do not look good together and caused a stir. We contemplated with the idea of separating the text from the illustration to avoid having two illustrations side by side. However, in the end, after rounds of testing, we decided to make certain changes to the color in order to gel two illustrations. Re-looking at our storyboard, we also decided to have illustrations that would span over two facing pages to better allow the continuity between two pages.